Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is this a nightmare?!

So I only wish I had pictures of this last week, but I was so overwhelmed at these moments that the thought of pictures came afterwards. Our girls have been sick for the last few weeks, and for poor Abigail it has been months. We have been told over and over again that it is just allergies and they will get over it. However, their poor little bodies hit their breaking points this last week. Here is the timeline...
Wednesday - Princess (our little poodle) was getting a hair cut and was unfortunately cut on her leg and they had to glue it together and she is on antibiotics.
Thursday - Ethan started a 48 hour shift on the ambulance, a 8 hour teaching day on Saturday and another 24 hour shift for Sunday. And I cleaned carpets (I bet you can guess what happens since I did that).
Friday - Poor Abigail was up the entire night coughing so hard she was throwing up. When Brooklyn woke up that morning she was screaming that her ears were hurting her. We get to the Dr. and the second we walk in the door Brooklyn throws up everywhere! Brooklyn has a double ear infection and a perforated ear drum.
Saturday - Abigail continues to cough so hard that Ethan gives her a breathing treatment, which seems to help.
Sunday - Kyleigh wakes up and is SUPER fussy. I go to change her diaper only to find out that she is completely covered in welts and hives! I get a hold of Ethan and he sends over the whole brigade! We had a fire truck, and at one point 3 ambulances on there way over here, ha ha. We took an ambulance to the hospital where they gave her some medicine to stop the reaction. We have no idea what caused this. The E.R. doc told us it could have been related to an antibiotic she was on the week before, and her regular doc told us it could have been the way her body is fighting off a virus.
Later on Sunday after the hospital visit and the trip to walgreens, we took Abby to Ethan's work for another breathing treatment.
Monday - I start feeling sick.
Tuesday - We haul everyone to the doctors for follow ups only to find out that the doctor herself is sick and won't be in. And no one could see us.
Wednesday - While getting ready for the doctors AGAIN, I hear this screaming. And in walks Abigail. (This is the only time I thought to take a picture.)
The story I was told was that Brooklyn threw a sippy cup at Abigail, however, I am not sure I am buying that story because the sippy cup had to have been filled with rocks or something! So everyone was seen at the doctors today! Ha ha ha!
Update - Brooklyn's ears are still yucky so she gets ear drops as well as her medicine. Abby has a slight concussion (the doc didn't check her cough). Kyleigh has a cold/sinus virus thing. And I have the same thing Kyleigh does.
All I can do is laugh at this point! LOL!!!


andrew and brittani said...

You need a fresh start

Tyler & Nicole said...

What a week!!! hang in there!

Kimi said...

It was a horrible week for you all...and unfortunately it has continued. I am so sorry I really wish I could be there to help you