Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So I originally heard the "Total Momsense" song by Anita Renfroe on Oprah a few years ago before we had kids and I thought it was funny, however I heard it again today and now that we have kids the song is that much more funny! I wanted to put the song on the blog when I discovered that she had another song about younger kids. I just had to post it with a few funny pictures. It is amazing to me how acurate she can explain my day. Ha ha. Hope you all enjoy!

I probably should explain some of the pics...
The black stuff in Brooklyn's mouth is an Oreo. I told her no more treats so she stuffed a whole Oreo in her mouth when I wasn't looking. The one of her in the laundry basket is her pretending she is driving a train lol. And of course I had to throw in a poopy diaper picture to show you all what you are missing out on by being so far away ha ha, and because the song talks so much about diapers :) There is a couple of pictures of Abby in the bouncy seat with Brooklyn's doll. It is so funny to see how much Abby has grown but is still smaller then the doll! And there is a picture of a few friends at a play date. Maverik is 3 and Madelyn is 3 weeks older then Abby.

1 comment:

Lindsay Smith said...

That song is so funny and so true!