Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Grandpa Call's Visit!!!

We were so excited to have Grandpa come and visit. We have been feeling very very home sick with not being able to see family so it was very nice for him to be here. He was only here for a few days but it was packed full of fun! We went to Lake Pflugerville both days. Brooklyn absolutly adores her "papa" and would get a little jelous when grandpa tried to play with Abby. Lol. But Brooklyn and Papa are great friends. They made sand castles on the beach and I really don't think she left his side :) We Love You Grandpa!

So this has nothing to do with Grandpa's visit, but it is an update of life. Last night a storm was coming in so I backed up the truck into the garage to protect it from the possible hail... while doing so I bumped Ethan's bike. I didn't think anything of it. I should have. Ethan pulled the truck out in the morning and I hear a big screech. I had scratched the truck pulling it into the garage and he scratched it on the way out. UGH!!! Estimated damage 375 bucks! so Ethan is working his magic from stuff from Auto Zone. Pray it works.

This is Ethan's early Father's Day present. Don't worry Debbie, this is strictly for workout purposes only, ha ha)

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