Saturday, November 20, 2010

More Fall Adventures

We have been to and watched a lot of football this year. This picture is us girls all ready to go support the Broncos at a friends house.

Brooklyn has been really into dress ups. So stinkin funny! I had a movie of it but it is sideways so I didn't post it, you can just look at the other picture. It is pretty self explanatory. ha ha.

Abby has started this super cute thing where if you say "oh no" she will try to say it back as she covers her eyes. I think this is a really cute video. I can already tell she is going to be a little drama major, she covers her face and makes a huge performance when she is upset. Lots of fun.


Kimi said...

Your girls are so cute I just love them to pieces

Lindsay Smith said...

The video of Abby is darling. Brooklyn's dress are so stinking cute!