Monday, December 20, 2010

New Family Pictures

Here are just a few of the new family pictures we had taken! We had a really good time and I think we got some really cute ones :) Believe it or not we took these this last Saturday. It was in the mid 60's so we didn't get too cold till the end. Sometimes... O.k. most of the time, I really don't miss the snow! Ethan was also really excited about the hay bales in the background, we kept having to retake the pictures to make sure we got them in the shot. Such a funny farm boy!


andrew and brittani said...

Cute!! Andrew and I are both dying at how turquoise Abigail's eyes are. Darling girlies!

Katie Webb said...

Those are great!! I love them!

Ben and Jesse said...

Very Cute!!!

Megs said...

These are such great pictures! I'm so glad they turned out. :) Your girls are so darling!

Angie said...

I love the family pictures! I love the color choices and the kiddos are so adorable! I hope you have a Merry Christmas!