Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall Adventures!

This evening we went down to a near by pumpkin patch. The girls seemed to really enjoy it! I can't believe it is Halloween already!

Earlier this week we went to our very first Hutto Hippo Football Game! At first we were all a little hesitant to cheer since we really didn't have anyone specific we were cheering for, but by the end of the first half we were on our feet screaming, yelling, and dancing to the marching band! Ha ha. It was a lot of fun! Go HIPPOS!

And of course here are just some random cute pictures of my girls :)

Dr. Brooklyn Gymnast Brooklyn Chillin Brooklyn
Abby the Pooh Messy Abby
Cute as a Button Abby
Today was also Abby's 9 month Birthday! I can't believe how fast time has gone.


Katie Webb said...

Looks like fun! I love football games! Is Hutto the Highschool?

Anonymous said...

I guess I've been absent from reality for a while...your kids are so big. They are absolutely adorable!!! How are you doing??? I miss chatting. Hopefully all is well. Life is the usual crazy over here. lol